As well as being an outstanding horsewoman, Tanja is an excellent communicator and teacher. So the take-home value of her clinics is huge. Her ability to read each rider and each horse enables her to tailor her advice and instruction in the most productive and effective way. Tanja's guidance and support has transformed the way I ride and handle my horses and I cannot recommend her clinics highly enough.
Paula Todd
Bangalow, NSW

Well I have been to a few horse clinics over the last ten years. . . and I have a fair idea of what I want out of my clinician.
It`s fair to say that all of those instructors at the clinics I attended were all good horseman/women.
In varying degrees they were good teachers.
In varying degrees they were good showman, in that they would make the clinic interesting.
In varying degrees they knew their craft and were able to carry that across and teach it.
Most of these clinicians were good in that I would want to attend another clinic but it was soon apparent that they had a 'fixed program' and taught basically the same thing to each rider/horse.
As I grew more as a horseman, I, as many others very quickly out grew those clinicians.
Not with Tanja.
Firstly she is all the things required to make an excellent Instructor :-
Great 'Teacher' - she expresses herself well, with humour and can demonstrate each technique or exercise in such a way that it is easy to learn. Her knowledge seems to be like an elastic band, it just keeps stretching.
She is a great 'Showman' - her witticism and outgoing nature makes the clinic one you want to attend, nothing like being back at school at one of Tanja`s clinics. Tanja makes you feel good about yourself and your horse.
Tanja knows her craft - it doesn`t take long to realise that Tanja`s repertoire covers a lot of disciplines and she has formed all her knowledge into a wonderful 'program' ( for a better word) starting from Basics to Advanced horsemanship.
Tanja`s instructions are never static, she often says she keeps learning and changes things when she realises that a more improved way can be had.
There isn`t much standing around waiting patiently whilst Tanja focuses on one student as in a lot of clinics. Nothing loses a student more than sitting on your horse for a long time waiting whilst the instructor sorts one rider and horse out . . . but when Tanja needs to focus on one student it becomes an interesting and rewarding experience. We often learn from these one on one situations.
That`s what I love, that I feel, that I know, that I can go on my horse journey with Tanja Kraus knowing I have years ahead of solid, continuing learning with my horse. That this is the best way to improve my relationship with him and learning new skills which is so rewarding for myself and my horses.
My horse is so happy that I am 'getting it' and as Tanja often says 'The Horse Comes First'.
Mandi, NSW Australia
It`s fair to say that all of those instructors at the clinics I attended were all good horseman/women.
In varying degrees they were good teachers.
In varying degrees they were good showman, in that they would make the clinic interesting.
In varying degrees they knew their craft and were able to carry that across and teach it.
Most of these clinicians were good in that I would want to attend another clinic but it was soon apparent that they had a 'fixed program' and taught basically the same thing to each rider/horse.
As I grew more as a horseman, I, as many others very quickly out grew those clinicians.
Not with Tanja.
Firstly she is all the things required to make an excellent Instructor :-
Great 'Teacher' - she expresses herself well, with humour and can demonstrate each technique or exercise in such a way that it is easy to learn. Her knowledge seems to be like an elastic band, it just keeps stretching.
She is a great 'Showman' - her witticism and outgoing nature makes the clinic one you want to attend, nothing like being back at school at one of Tanja`s clinics. Tanja makes you feel good about yourself and your horse.
Tanja knows her craft - it doesn`t take long to realise that Tanja`s repertoire covers a lot of disciplines and she has formed all her knowledge into a wonderful 'program' ( for a better word) starting from Basics to Advanced horsemanship.
Tanja`s instructions are never static, she often says she keeps learning and changes things when she realises that a more improved way can be had.
There isn`t much standing around waiting patiently whilst Tanja focuses on one student as in a lot of clinics. Nothing loses a student more than sitting on your horse for a long time waiting whilst the instructor sorts one rider and horse out . . . but when Tanja needs to focus on one student it becomes an interesting and rewarding experience. We often learn from these one on one situations.
That`s what I love, that I feel, that I know, that I can go on my horse journey with Tanja Kraus knowing I have years ahead of solid, continuing learning with my horse. That this is the best way to improve my relationship with him and learning new skills which is so rewarding for myself and my horses.
My horse is so happy that I am 'getting it' and as Tanja often says 'The Horse Comes First'.
Mandi, NSW Australia
We put high value on feedback we receive from others and endeavor to use it to improve and build on our resources.

Don’t sit on the couch dreaming about riding your horse, seek out Tanja and make it a reality.
I started my journey with Tanja Kraus Horsemanship in 2014. Tanja took my unstarted horse in 2014 and in 3 weeks my mare named Secret was ready to ride. Yes she was Green but so was I. Due to family problems I didn’t do much with Secret until May 2015. This is when I committed to getting off the couch and on my horse. Yes, I could walk around sitting on her back but trotting and anything was a definite “are you kidding me, I don’t trot and what if she takes off on me” scenario.
Well, in May 2015, I completed my first clinic and am very proud to say Secret did not ”take off on me” and to this day has always been a calm and confident horse. Me, well I have had my days when the clinic is about to start and I have felt so nervous, but with the support from Tanja and the wonderful group that has emerged from the clinics, I got on my horse and every time have come away with a new accomplishment. All done quietly and confidently. It’s now February 2016 and I am proud to say, I am now cantering up the beach with no hands. Oh, it’s not the prettiest sight yet but it will be. You have time to master each part of the journey and each little milestone is one milestone accomplished that you didn’t achieve sitting on the couch.
If you have always wanted to ride your horse but have thought “ Hmmmm I am not going to do that I will look like a total beginner, how embarrassing” then you will fit in with the rest of us. Tanja, has the ability to build confidence in every level rider, even the high level riders walk away learning something they never knew. It’s an amazing group of people that attend these clinics, as they are all on a journey with their horse, and every little achievement is celebrated by all those attending the clinics.
Secret and I have all our lives to master the art of horse riding, but we couldn’t of started it without seeking the help and support from Tanja.
I could jibber on all day about why you should start doing clinics, but all I can say is “ If you are wanting that connection with your horse at any level of rider ability, believe in yourself and believe in Tanja Kraus Horsemanship and you will soon be living THE DREAM”.
I am available for a chat just look me up on Facebook – Kandy English.
I first came across TKH in 2014 whilst participating in my first Working Equitation training day since my motor vehicle accident only 8 months prior.
I had sustained a broken neck, crushed vertebrae and a broken sternum in the accident and although my mobility, strength and range of movement were dramatically reduced, the pain of not being able to ride my horse was more devastating than the physical injuries incurred in the accident. Now more so than ever before I needed to be VERY careful about how I approached my horsemanship. As it was I carried nerve damage and discomfort from 13 Hernia operations in previous years. This history was effecting my future.
Why am I bothering to mention this history? The answer is simple…. I was scared!
Having only commenced riding as an adult a few years prior, there was very little experience to lay claim to or fall back on. I had no idea about TRUE HORSEMANSHIP and even less about riding. If I were to continue this journey then I had to be smart and above all, I had to feel safe. So I decided to invest in a TKH Foundation clinic with Tanja Kraus.
I remember the first clinic very clearly. I arrived carrying more than my fair share of emotions. Constantly hounded by physical discomfort and tormented by emotional baggage the lesson began with introductions and I was feeling emotionally charged, I found it difficult to speak without emotion and embarrassed. But before long what I noticed that there were others commencing the journey for the very first time experiencing their own emotional surges. All of a sudden and with constant interaction, my horse and I settled into the lesson. At first everything seemed to go over the top of my head with information overload. My horse though seemed to be responding willingly and the change in his attitude was evident. For the most part my techniques were clumsy, my timing off and my understanding of the techniques vague. In spite of all this internal struggle, I felt relaxed within the group and welcome. There is a bond that forms between not only rider and horse, but amongst students. We were all working together and yet on our own, returning to the centre periodically to interact and reflect on each technique. By the end of the foundation clinic my mind was overloaded. But not just from all that I had learnt or experienced but by being awakened to the opportunities that avail themselves when we commit to effective, peaceful and natural horsemanship. I walked into the clinic feeling like the horses butler and I left with a taste of feeling empowered by leadership.
Perhaps 18 months later I feel more committed to my horsemanship journey than ever before and that is because I put myself out there as daunting as it was. Tanja has this incredible ability of teaching the human how to teach the horse. Her horsemanship is inspiring, her skill is calm and calculated. A woman who is as humble as she is intelligent and energetic. Always evolving as a rider, teacher and student, passing down to her own dedicated students the skills and philosophies of mentors she understudies.
I now live my weekdays waiting for the weekends. I live my weekends now in a way that empowers me for the working week. I experience that enrichment as a direct result of my horsemanship journey. I attribute that growth to Tanja Kraus and her commitment to her students success. Learning a new skill can feel scary. Committing to learning can feel overwhelming, but experiencing the euphoria when something falls into place is priceless. Soft feel, collection, rhythm, balance, CANTER are not just terms, they are incredible experiences that energise the soul. Who would have thought that getting a canter could result in a wave of tears? We are all nervous, some of us are new to this and some are quite experienced and yet are searching for a BETTER WAY for themselves and their companion. The anxiousness of feeling like a passenger on your horse will never exceed the joy of feeling like a leader with your horse. If you really care for your horse, if you really want to experience the connection that horsemanship can bestow then commit to a TKH clinic.
Brett, NSW, Australia
I have been attending clinics with Tanja regularly for over two years and have seen enormous change in my own horses and in others'.
Tanja Kraus is the rare combination of consummate horse(wo)man and talented teacher who meets every student at their own level. She is the real deal - she starts colts. She has as deep an understanding of the wide spectrum of horse behaviour and motivation as she does of people's.
Tanja continually grows and develops her teaching-from the essentials on the ground and under saddle to building the performance horse. She
doesnt keep her students stuck in kindergarten but introduces the concepts and skills for biomechanically correct self carriage in the horse and rider from the early stages, and develops these through the program.
Tanja has helped me particularly with a horse who I have found challenging and scary at times, and has been so generous and supportive in her belief in me and her encouragement. Empowering a student is the biggest gift a teacher can give. Tanja herself is inspiring in her commitment and dedication to teaching and to her students-equine and human. Abby, NSW Australia
I started my journey with Tanja Kraus Horsemanship in 2014. Tanja took my unstarted horse in 2014 and in 3 weeks my mare named Secret was ready to ride. Yes she was Green but so was I. Due to family problems I didn’t do much with Secret until May 2015. This is when I committed to getting off the couch and on my horse. Yes, I could walk around sitting on her back but trotting and anything was a definite “are you kidding me, I don’t trot and what if she takes off on me” scenario.
Well, in May 2015, I completed my first clinic and am very proud to say Secret did not ”take off on me” and to this day has always been a calm and confident horse. Me, well I have had my days when the clinic is about to start and I have felt so nervous, but with the support from Tanja and the wonderful group that has emerged from the clinics, I got on my horse and every time have come away with a new accomplishment. All done quietly and confidently. It’s now February 2016 and I am proud to say, I am now cantering up the beach with no hands. Oh, it’s not the prettiest sight yet but it will be. You have time to master each part of the journey and each little milestone is one milestone accomplished that you didn’t achieve sitting on the couch.
If you have always wanted to ride your horse but have thought “ Hmmmm I am not going to do that I will look like a total beginner, how embarrassing” then you will fit in with the rest of us. Tanja, has the ability to build confidence in every level rider, even the high level riders walk away learning something they never knew. It’s an amazing group of people that attend these clinics, as they are all on a journey with their horse, and every little achievement is celebrated by all those attending the clinics.
Secret and I have all our lives to master the art of horse riding, but we couldn’t of started it without seeking the help and support from Tanja.
I could jibber on all day about why you should start doing clinics, but all I can say is “ If you are wanting that connection with your horse at any level of rider ability, believe in yourself and believe in Tanja Kraus Horsemanship and you will soon be living THE DREAM”.
I am available for a chat just look me up on Facebook – Kandy English.
I first came across TKH in 2014 whilst participating in my first Working Equitation training day since my motor vehicle accident only 8 months prior.
I had sustained a broken neck, crushed vertebrae and a broken sternum in the accident and although my mobility, strength and range of movement were dramatically reduced, the pain of not being able to ride my horse was more devastating than the physical injuries incurred in the accident. Now more so than ever before I needed to be VERY careful about how I approached my horsemanship. As it was I carried nerve damage and discomfort from 13 Hernia operations in previous years. This history was effecting my future.
Why am I bothering to mention this history? The answer is simple…. I was scared!
Having only commenced riding as an adult a few years prior, there was very little experience to lay claim to or fall back on. I had no idea about TRUE HORSEMANSHIP and even less about riding. If I were to continue this journey then I had to be smart and above all, I had to feel safe. So I decided to invest in a TKH Foundation clinic with Tanja Kraus.
I remember the first clinic very clearly. I arrived carrying more than my fair share of emotions. Constantly hounded by physical discomfort and tormented by emotional baggage the lesson began with introductions and I was feeling emotionally charged, I found it difficult to speak without emotion and embarrassed. But before long what I noticed that there were others commencing the journey for the very first time experiencing their own emotional surges. All of a sudden and with constant interaction, my horse and I settled into the lesson. At first everything seemed to go over the top of my head with information overload. My horse though seemed to be responding willingly and the change in his attitude was evident. For the most part my techniques were clumsy, my timing off and my understanding of the techniques vague. In spite of all this internal struggle, I felt relaxed within the group and welcome. There is a bond that forms between not only rider and horse, but amongst students. We were all working together and yet on our own, returning to the centre periodically to interact and reflect on each technique. By the end of the foundation clinic my mind was overloaded. But not just from all that I had learnt or experienced but by being awakened to the opportunities that avail themselves when we commit to effective, peaceful and natural horsemanship. I walked into the clinic feeling like the horses butler and I left with a taste of feeling empowered by leadership.
Perhaps 18 months later I feel more committed to my horsemanship journey than ever before and that is because I put myself out there as daunting as it was. Tanja has this incredible ability of teaching the human how to teach the horse. Her horsemanship is inspiring, her skill is calm and calculated. A woman who is as humble as she is intelligent and energetic. Always evolving as a rider, teacher and student, passing down to her own dedicated students the skills and philosophies of mentors she understudies.
I now live my weekdays waiting for the weekends. I live my weekends now in a way that empowers me for the working week. I experience that enrichment as a direct result of my horsemanship journey. I attribute that growth to Tanja Kraus and her commitment to her students success. Learning a new skill can feel scary. Committing to learning can feel overwhelming, but experiencing the euphoria when something falls into place is priceless. Soft feel, collection, rhythm, balance, CANTER are not just terms, they are incredible experiences that energise the soul. Who would have thought that getting a canter could result in a wave of tears? We are all nervous, some of us are new to this and some are quite experienced and yet are searching for a BETTER WAY for themselves and their companion. The anxiousness of feeling like a passenger on your horse will never exceed the joy of feeling like a leader with your horse. If you really care for your horse, if you really want to experience the connection that horsemanship can bestow then commit to a TKH clinic.
Brett, NSW, Australia
I have been attending clinics with Tanja regularly for over two years and have seen enormous change in my own horses and in others'.
Tanja Kraus is the rare combination of consummate horse(wo)man and talented teacher who meets every student at their own level. She is the real deal - she starts colts. She has as deep an understanding of the wide spectrum of horse behaviour and motivation as she does of people's.
Tanja continually grows and develops her teaching-from the essentials on the ground and under saddle to building the performance horse. She
doesnt keep her students stuck in kindergarten but introduces the concepts and skills for biomechanically correct self carriage in the horse and rider from the early stages, and develops these through the program.
Tanja has helped me particularly with a horse who I have found challenging and scary at times, and has been so generous and supportive in her belief in me and her encouragement. Empowering a student is the biggest gift a teacher can give. Tanja herself is inspiring in her commitment and dedication to teaching and to her students-equine and human. Abby, NSW Australia